Wednesday, October 10, 2018

TESL Methodology Quiz

You are learning to identify different body parts. The teacher introduces the game “Simon says.” The teacher says “Simon says touch your nose,” students touch their nose.
a.       Total physical response
b.      Audiolingual
c.       Direct
Students are sitting on couches with quiet music in the background. The teacher reads an extensive text to them with an energetic approach to help students stay involved and engage in the information.
       a.     Zone of proximal development
       b.      Learner-Centered Instruction
       c.       Suggestopedia
The teacher speaks and repeats the question “If you fell off your bike, would you be hurt?” teacher answers the question “if I fell off my bike, I would be hurt.” Students repeat answer.
a.      Community language learning
b.      Total physical response
c.      Direct
Students sit in a circle with the purpose of getting to know each other. One student raises their hand to tell their peers that they like cats. The teacher comes over, listens to the student’s comment in their L1, translates the comment and speaks it back to the student who in turn speaks to their peers “I like cats.”
a.       Community language learning
b.      Suggestopedia
c.       Grammar-translation
Students are given a short text in their L1 and are asked to translate it into the L2 they are learning.
a.       Grammar-translation
b.      Task based learning
c.       Audiolingual
The teacher hands out a paper with multiple example dialogues. Students break into pairs and practice having a conversation with each other using the prescribed dialogues.
a.       Notional functional syllabus
b.      Audiolingual
c.       Suggestopedia 
The teacher presents different questions regarding personal information (eg. What’s your name? Where are you from? How old are you? Etc.)
a.       The silent way
b.      Series
c.       Zone of proximal development
Students are beginning to look for jobs and a number of them already have job interviews lined up. The teacher sets up a role play for practicing for an interview. Students are broken up into pairs, one has the list of questions which they ask their partner who in turn responds.
a.        Experiential learning
b.      Task-based language teaching
c.       Total Physical Response
Students are learning about Manitoba. The teacher takes them on a field trip to the Manitoba Museum in Winnipeg.
a.       The Natural Approach
b.      Learner-centered instruction
c.       Experiential learning
Students are having a hard time understanding and organizing their bills. The teacher encourages students to bring their bills to class and they go over the terminology and reasoning of the supplied bills.
a.       Learner-centered instruction
b.      Interactive language teaching
c.       Direct
Answers: a, c, c, a, a, b, c, b, c, a

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