Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Lesson Plan 2

Date: October 16, 2018
Class levels:  CLB 6
Class Time: 2 hours
Communicative Language Task Goal
The ability to discern, describe and find the details of an advertisement
By the end of the lesson today, learners will have:
Learned descriptive language used in advertisement, be able to compare prices, be able to discern what is being presented

Lesson Procedure
Lesson activities and procedure
Language focus
Language Skills
Purpose of the activity
Describe what learners are doing
Identify what linguistic and communicative ability elements are being addressed (e.g., vocabulary, sociolinguistic knowledge)
What skills are being practiced (e.g., Speaking)
Why they are doing this (e.g., to be able to…)
Are learners working individually, in groups, as a class
How much time it takes
Talk about advertisements. What is used in an advertisement? What makes you want to buy something? Explain Canadian culture.
Grammar, functional knowledge
Vocabulary, Speaking
Assess what the students already know about advertisements. Introduce new vocabulary and ideas.
Class activity
20 min
Show a basic paper/online advertisement, discuss if this is a good deal. Why? What are the qualities? Price? Use adjectives to describe.
Grammar and textual and functional knowledge
Comprehension of vocabulary, speaking
Using new vocabulary, learning comprehension of a static advertisement.
Class activity or group work
20 min
Show 2 video advertisements. Provide chart handouts for students take notes of both commercials
Grammatical knowledge, vocabulary, textual knowledge, functional knowledge, strategic competence
Listening, comprehension of vocabulary, writing
Understanding of the vocabulary, how to make a chart
Group activity/Individual work
20 min
Discuss the charts made by students. Create a conglomerated chart. Discuss the pros and cons of each offer.
Grammar, vocabulary, textual knowledge, functional knowledge
Speaking, listening, vocabulary
Communicate adjective vocabulary, comprehension of what is being offered.
Class activity
25 min
Have students pair up and come up with a poster advertisement of a vacation spot. Have them include the benefits of their offer and a price.  
Grammar, vocabulary, functional knowledge, textual knowledge
Speaking, listening, vocabulary, writing
To use vocabulary and descriptions
Pair activity
30 min
Exit Assessment:
Display an advertisements. Students should be able to explain the details of the advertisement. Would they buy what is being offered?

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