Thursday, October 11, 2018

Lesson Plan Template (1) Ebony and Maureen Draft 1

Date: October 4, 2018
Class levels:  CLB 3
Class Time: 90 min
Communicative Language Task Goal
The ability to use language appropriately in buying a pair of shoes or winter books
By the end of the lesson today, learners will have:
-learned and used descriptive language and questions needed for buying shoes.

Lesson Procedure
Lesson activities and procedure
Language focus
Language Skills
Purpose of the activity
Describe what learners are doing
Identify what linguistic and communicative ability elements are being addressed (e.g., vocabulary, sociolinguistic knowledge)
What skills are being practiced (e.g., Speaking)
Why they are doing this (e.g., to be able to…)
Are learners working individually, in groups, as a class
How much time it takes
Use pictures of shoes to discuss vocabulary for buying shoes
Grammar and textual (adjectives)  (color, size, width, comfort, shoes or boots, leather or vinyl)
Vocabulary, Speaking and pronounciation
Assess what the students already know about shoes and their descriptions and add new vocabulary
Class activity
10 min
Teacher asking questions about shoes using vocabulary (can be a game)
Grammar and textual and functional knowledge (adjectives)
Comprehension of vocabulary and speaking
Using new vocabulary and understanding of a question
Class activity
20 min
Making a chart of what footwear students are wearing
Grammar and textual
Speaking and writing
Understanding of the vocabulary and how to make a chart
Group activity
20 min
Describing questions to ask and answer when buying shoes
Vocabulary, textual knowledge, functional knowledge and sociolinguistic
Speaking, listening, grammar and vocabulary
To acquire vocabulary and language to ask and answer questions when buying shoes
Class activity lead by the teacher
20 min
Role playing in pairs for buying a pair of shoes
Sociolinguistic, fluency, textual knowledge, strategic competence
Speaking, listening, grammar and vocabulary
To use vocabulary and descriptions in a natural language situation
Pair activity
20 min
Exit Assessment:
Ask students to describe either “My favorite shoes are……” or “The shoes I want to buy are….”
Reflection and Suggestions for Next Time
Your notes after the lesson

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