Wednesday, October 10, 2018

5 Useful Principles

Five principles from Brown’s “Teaching by Principles” that I found useful include different methods which he describes. The first principle/method that I want to be able to use in my classroom is the learner-centered instruction. This technique adapts to the learner's preferences and gives room for responsibility from the students. It creates a safe place of learning that is meaningful and effective.
The second principle is the experiential/project-based learning. This technique is very hands-on and includes a lot of projects and field trip type activities. Learners are drawn in by experiencing language in real life situations.
The third principle that I found significant was the total physical response (TPR). This technique is excellent for stimulating the mind and committing key terms to memory by using actions, drama and other physical responses.
The fourth principle that I want to add to my teaching is task-based language teaching. Incorporating problem-solving, connecting with peers to achieve a victory and connected communication are a part of task-based language teaching.
Lastly, I want to include communicative language teaching in my classes. Basically, this means constant communication with teacher and student, student and student, student and texts etc. Language is essential for learning language and should be constantly incorporated.

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