Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Needs Assessment


Split class into small groups (2-3). Hand each group a dice.

Have students discuss a question with each other depending on the number a dice is rolled to.

1.      What is your favourite movie?

2.      What is your favourite thing about summer?

3.      Where did you grow up?

4.      Why are you in this class?

5.      Who inspires you?

6.      When did you come to Canada?

Have students switch groups or do it together as an entire class.

This activity is for a group of intermediate ESL learners. I like this activity because it is interactive with the people in the class. It is a way to learn about the background of the students as well as the things they like and enjoy. Beginning in groups, releases tension of performing in front of a big group. This activity helps me as the teacher observe their comprehension, the cooperativeness, their enthusiasm, their character and hear their speaking abilities. “Roll the Dice” is also a fun way to begin the class.

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