Monday, January 14, 2019

My Learning Plan

Your goal for this course:
How are you going to learn it?
How will you know you have achieved it?
How will you demonstrate that you have learned it?
- Gain resources of simple assessment/evaluation templates/tools
- Understand when and what type of evaluation tool is most beneficial in specific circumstances
- pay attention to extra resources listed in the class
- create a list of helpful resources
- ask for feedback/help/advice/ experience from peers
- pay close attention to types and benefits of evaluation tools  
- have a list of at least 7 outside resources/templates/ideas regarding assessments
- see the purpose in evaluation tools and match them to specific circumstances 
- ask questions!!
- participate in the discussion board

- hear a scenario and have a few ideas of tools to use in evaluation
- Assignment 4 deals with connecting appropriate assessments with the lesson plan, hopefully this will be a bit of a test for me
- the previous two columns overlap slightly in their answers
- I think coming up with great ways of assessing students is only as good as the appropriate type and timing of the assessments.

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