Have students fill out the questionnaire below:
Name ____________________ Date ____________________
Answer the questions below.
1. Do
you have any prior English learning? If so, how much and where?
2. What
English skill is easiest for you? Hardest?
3. What
specific area of English would you like to improve on?
4. Where
is the most important place you want to be able to use English?
5. List
3 topics that you are interested in (government, Canada, families)?
1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
Following answering the questionnaire, play the skittle
Have a bowl of skittles ready. Students take turns picking a
skittle. Depending on the colour they choose, have them answer the following
questions with the entire class.
Green: Where did you grow up?
Purple: What do you do in your free time?
Orange: What is your favourite thing to talk about?
Yellow: Why are you in this class? Be specific.