Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Job Analysis: Abaarso School - Unit 2

Original Activity: Language through Drama

Level: intermediate+

Practice: expression

Unspoken communication is a major part of all communication, and we can use this fact to effect by getting students to enact simple sentences to convey an intended feeling.

Below are twelve pairs of expressions, each with a feeling to convey. Students should say both expressions in each pair, each time conveying the relevant feeling. But it's no good doing this with students sitting round a table or in their normal positions. Let them get up, stand, walk around, sit on a table, lie down. Leave them free to use their bodies, their hands and arms, their feet and legs, their facial expressions - so that their body language matches the words they are uttering!

You might even award some Oscars.

Well-Being, Suffering

  • It's really comfortable, this armchair.
  • If you only knew how much it hurts!

Seriousness, Irony

  • Your continued perseverance will lead you to sure success.
  • My dear, even Shakespeare could not compete with you.

Determination, Lack of Confidence

  • Whatever it costs, we'll get there.
  • I don't have enough experience to make this sale.

Relief, Frustration

  • The pain I had has disappeared like a dream.
  • How people pester you these days!

Anger, Calmness

  • I don't know how I'm controlling myself...but get out of here!
  • We're going to examine the matter calmly.

Generosity, Fear

  • You like it? It's yours.
  • I think it's in the house. I heard a noise downstairs.

Indifference, Indignation

  • It's all the same to me.
  • I'd rather be burned at the stake than impugn his honour.

Pride, Humility

  • I am the master, the supreme master.
  • I'm just a very small cog in a very big wheel.

Bluntness, Hypocrisy

  • Well, I'll tell you frankly, you disappoint me.
  • I didn't say that to offend you.

Triumph, Defeat

  • That's it! I've got my medal!
  • Another refusal. I'm never going to succeed.

Astonishment, Simplicity

  • What! How did you come?
  • Well, it was inevitable.

Encouragement, Consolation

  • Go on, old boy! You'll do it!

Adapted Activity To Fit My Classroom: Language through Drama

Level: intermediate+

Context: Highschool students at Abaarso School in Somaliland

Practice: expression

Unspoken communication is a major part of all communication, and we can use this fact to effect by getting students to enact simple sentences to convey an intended feeling.

Below are twelve pairs of expressions, each with a feeling to convey.

Option 1: Students should say both expressions in each pair, each time conveying the relevant feeling using their body language to match the words they are uttering.

Option 2: Have one student convey the expression with their body language only. Let other students shout out expressions they think are being portrayed.

Option 3: Repeat the same instructions from Option 2 however this time have the other students guess the antonym of the expression being conveyed.

Option 4: To incorporate with any of the previous options, have students come up with their own expressions (approved by the teacher). 

Well-Being, Suffering

  • It's really comfortable, this armchair.
  • If you only knew how much it hurts!

Seriousness, Irony

  • Your continued perseverance will lead you to sure success.
  • My dear, even Shakespeare could not compete with you.

Determination, Lack of Confidence

  • Whatever it costs, we'll get there.
  • I don't have enough experience to make this sale.

Relief, Frustration

  • The pain I had has disappeared like a dream.
  • How people pester you these days!

Anger, Calmness

  • I don't know how I'm controlling myself...but get out of here!
  • We're going to examine the matter calmly.

Generosity, Fear

  • You like it? It's yours.
  • I think it's in the house. I heard a noise downstairs.

Indifference, Indignation

  • It's all the same to me.
  • I'd rather be burned at the stake than impugn his honour.

Pride, Humility

  • I am the master, the supreme master.
  • I'm just a very small cog in a very big wheel.

Bluntness, Hypocrisy

  • Well, I'll tell you frankly, you disappoint me.
  • I didn't say that to offend you.

Triumph, Defeat

  • That's it! I've got my medal!
  • Another refusal. I'm never going to succeed.

Astonishment, Simplicity

  • What! How did you come?
  • Well, it was inevitable.

Encouragement, Consolation

  • Go on, old boy! You'll do it!

Rationale: I added different options to this activity because I like to be prepared to be flexible. Depending on how quickly my students catch on to an activity I want to be able to make it more challenging if need be. I desire for my classroom to have a flow to it. Without thinking through these different options beforehand, I could end up floundering in the middle of the activity. Incorporating different options keep students engaged, interactive and thinking critically about what is being taught. They are challenged to think of the same topic and idea in different ways. If my students are slower at catching on to the very first option, I would take it slower and not introduce the other options. 

ESL EFL TESOL Jobs. (2016, April 6). Retrieved March 18, 2019, from

Language through Drama (ESL Activity). (n.d.). Retrieved March 19, 2019, from

Lonely Planet. (n.d.). Visas and customs in Somaliland. Retrieved March 18, 2019, from

Somali People, Language, Culture, Women, Food, Music, Flag, Facts. (2018, May 09). Retrieved March 18, 2019, from

Somaliland in Figures [PDF]. (n.d.). Hargeisa: The Ministry of National Planning and Development.

Teaching. (n.d.). Retrieved March 18, 2019, from

User, S. (n.d.). Retrieved March 18, 2019, from

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