Thursday, February 14, 2019

3 Types of Resources - Unit 1

This course is once again introducing me to a set of new thoughts and ideas, some of which I have thought about and others, not so much. The course is called “Resources Development and Integration” and therefore has so far introduced different types of resources and the copyright and fair use rules with different resources. I am going to highlight a few of these resources which I see as important and valuable in an ESL classroom.

Some materials that I find important in the classroom are the textbook set for the class. Although this may not always be the most exciting material it is important to have a solid foundation for the course. Textbooks give good guidelines for teachers to follow in their classrooms. They may have students read from the textbook, do worksheets from the textbook or simply use it as a guide for themselves and come up with other material to enhance the information. Some “resource books are specifically designed to provide ideas for teachers” (Brown, 2007). In this case, teachers are guided by the textbook.

Another great form of resource material is realia. Realia is basically defined as an object lesson. From my own experience, I have found objects stick in my mind. I remember sitting at a funeral and the pastor talking about how my beloved aunt was now safe in the arms of God, he pulled out a dear little sculpture of a hand cherishing a little girl. This object lesson stayed with me. As one author says, realia breathes new life into a lesson (Soames). Talking about vocabulary is great but seeing the vocabulary come to life brings far greater understanding. 

There are many types of resources to use and also to learn to use. Lastly, I want to highlight technology. Technology can be a useful material as long as your context allows for it. Some classrooms do not have access to the internet, projectors, computers, screens etc. and therefore cannot be fully relied upon. Those contexts that are capable of utilizing technology in their teaching, may. From anything to news articles, radio, YouTube videos, and the list goes on. These technologies have the potential to aide a teacher in accomplishing their goals. One study showed that “75 percent of educators think that technology has a positive impact in the education process” (Cox). In this day and age, technology often gains attention as well. For this reason, again depending on your context, using technology can draw your learners into participation and engagement.

Again, there are many types of resources available in the education world today. Textbooks, realia, and technology really do not encompass the expanse of what is obtainable. It is important as teachers to keep our minds open to the types of material out there. Do not rule out anything. Seek out what best compliments your goals and what helps your learners. Use your imagination and let learning be exciting!


Brown, H. D. (2007). Teaching by principles an interactive approach to language pedagogy. San Francisco: San Fracisco State University.

Cox, J. (n.d.). Benefits of Technology in the Classroom. Retrieved February 14, 2019, from

Soames, C. (n.d.). Using Realia in the Classroom. Retrieved February 14, 2019, from

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